Ep. 05: "Carry on, Maude"

The Problems: the Greek dessert crisis (from the root, disagreeos); analyzing the tactical dearth of mousse in the Maginot Line; a shared fate for Ernst Röhm and the Clampett family; disruptive oninonomics behind food that blooms; no Abrahamic sandwiches for Halal the Elder; some phallocentric appeals of flan and its equipment; John’s beef with the compulsory heat of Turkey’s nuts; why hasenpfeffers are expendable; ruined by a young Marlo Thomas; when *M*A*S*H*
got all Chachi; line-editing Raymond Carver’s cocktail napkins; accent on the fakeyest Cockneys, Guv’na; formally moving on to African-American-tie racism; efforts to secure Ann-Margret’s hips (and flips) a place on our canonical phalanx; John’s morbid—and ultimately unfounded—fear of Neil Young’s doobie; saving a lovely, dark-haired girl from hipster yodeling; and some editorial follow-up on why Merlin could still use a good Pounding.
“La carte des desserts” by tedseverson
Roderick on the Line Ep. 05 Show Notes
[MP3]: Ep. 05 "Carry On, Maude"

Uploaded a new version of the audio file that should be a little less obnoxious from a fidelity standpoint. Sorry for the amateur hour skillz. Daddy’s new to this black art of mixing and efficient codifying and will surely get some outside help to consistentize the quality for the better soon. Thanks.
Yours in quality,
Mr. Mann